way to the big number "1". He is starting to talk. Too bad he has said "da da" a few times. He always says "Hi". He is so ticklish and his best friends are still his toes. He will sit and play with toys for long periods of time. No more falling over. No teeth yet, though they better hurry up cause he is always looking for one. He is very nosey too and is a great eater. Mason likes to take his toys away from him and he gets after him about it too.
Ok, so he isn't as happy as he usually is but I just discovered that my digital camera could take video. And yes well I have had this camera for over 2 years and have no idea about most things it can do so here is my first attempt at videoing.
We all took a ride to visit with family a few weekends ago. They boys got to hang out with Grandma, Great-Grandma and even Great-Great Grandma. Of course they hammed it up.
Here they are
with G.G Great Grandma Wargo , Nana Jane and daddy.