Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My little fishies....

Fishy Fishy in the brook or hot tub or pool. Anyways they all loved swimming. T just floats around smiling. Mason has so much fun and we were glad daddy decided to join us. Nana Kathy and Vava Pat were there also but we weren't allowed to show their photo. :) Just kidding.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Fun together...

They each want what the other has all of the time. We do lots of trading. Sitting with Ava, or as Mason calls her aya. She wouldn't sit for too long and as soon as T realized he could move into the wild green prickly stuff well he was outta there too.

2 little monkies jumping in the bed.
Trampoline anyone?

2 Months Old

2 Months Old
Still has some Crazy hair.

He is wishing I would stop take his picture!

Here's Moo Man

Here's Moo Man
Just some older pictures of our Mason Moo Moo. He is getting so big.